Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hair-New Blog

So my girls have developed a new passion for letting me play with their hair. We thought it would be easier to just create a blog to share all of the fun things we've tried. Feel free to check out the link in the right column and let us know what you think.


Kristy said...

Love the new site. My girls are anti-mom helping. They want to do all of it by them selves. So how is the grain coming?

Jenny said...

You are too talented! (and creative!) I think I'll have to try some of these on my girls!! Hope your day is great!

The Fullmer Family said...

I am impressed! Where do you find the time? I have a hard enough time just keeping up on one blog let alone two! I love it and the ideas are great! I'll have to see if Kenidee will let me try some on her! Thanks for the great ideas!